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Scotland Midge Season 2023

Unveiling the Midge Season in Scotland: A Guide for Outdoor Enthusiasts

When to Expect the Infestation

Midge Season: April to September

For those planning outdoor adventures in Scotland, it's crucial to be aware of the dreaded midge season, which typically spans from April to September. These tiny, winged insects can be a major nuisance, turning otherwise enjoyable hikes and camping trips into itchy and uncomfortable experiences.

The Notorious Scourge of the West Coast

Midges are particularly prevalent in the western regions of Scotland, such as the Highlands and Islands. Their presence can make outdoor activities challenging, as they swarm around exposed skin and bite repeatedly, leaving behind itchy and painful welts.

A Necessary Evil for Outdoor Pursuits

Despite their annoyance, midges play a vital role in the Scottish ecosystem as a food source for many animals. They are also indicators of a healthy environment, as they thrive in areas with clean water and abundant vegetation.

Tips for Combatting Midges

While it's impossible to completely avoid midges in Scotland during their season, there are several precautions you can take to minimize their impact on your outdoor pursuits:

  • Wear long-sleeved clothing and long pants to cover your skin.
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  • Apply insect repellent containing DEET or picaridin to exposed skin.
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  • Avoid standing water and areas with dense vegetation where midges tend to gather.
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  • Bring a midge net to protect your face and head.
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  • Consider using a midge headwind spray to create a protective barrier around you.

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